Everything Happens to Me
First blog entry on this new host site. Tumblr.Gotta remember to write to these folks and mention that they misspelled Tumbler. they’ll be glad someone noticed.
About this tune ‘Everything Happens to Me.’ It figured prominently in my life a few years back. still does, come to think of it.
I make a date for golf
you can bet your life it rains
i try to throw a party
and the guy upstairs complains.
i guess i’ll go through life just catching colds and missing trains
everything happens to me
you gotta love the lyrics. murtphy’s law in verse. a guy named…well i don’t recall his name. how unfortunate. don’t remember who wrote the tune either.
i had cereal for breakfast; this much i remember.
no. that was yesterday.
well the memory is not as sharp these days. i’m often apalled at the large cracks that seem to have opened up in the sinkhole that is my short term memory. is it age? is it underuse? is it the toxic fumes of the newly installed utility poles? who the fuck knows. i don’t recall why i care.
and yet.
and yet there it is. changes inside and out. changes in thinking, psychology. changes in geography. changes on top of changes, heaped high like so many sunday morning pancakes.
Everything Happens to Me…today’s project. Yesterday’s actually.
i had been away from this for awhile, having spent time in Boston visiting my favorite son and his favorite girl. Wonderful time we had.
Walden Pond and Lowell Mass; visiting two of my favorite authors and thinkers. Neither had much to say; they’re still dead and all…
So i literally dove head first into Chet’s project again becuase i thought i had to . i wanted to but i had to too. tutu.
curiously, what began as a forced reentry quickly turned on a dime; i wanted to sing.
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